Cricket Pizza Crust An earthy twist on a classic!
Hungry? Go right to the recipe!

We love pizza. Who doesn't? It's tasty, amazing, and surprisingly versatile: it can be a light vegetarian dish, a heavy, meaty experience, and almost everything in between. It's pretty great. And while we love pizza we order in -- it's got, really, such a good food to cost ratio, and basically comes with its own leftovers -- home-made pizza is also prreeeeety great. And surprisingly easy. And fun to make.


And we can do things like add cricket meal to it to make the dough really interesting and Earthy, which also has the side effect of getting more protein into the notoriously picky Toddlerbear. It's win-win-win!

This recipe is based heavily on the Basic Pizza Dough recipe from excellent The Pioneer Woman blog. It is easy, straightforward, quick, and the results are pretty decent, even without the added kick(ass) of crickets.

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